A little more about me…

Photo Credit: Lisa Waldo,Balanced Beginnings Doulas

Hi! I’m Brittany. Mountain Mama of 3. Homesteader. Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula. Certified Yoga Instructor. Trauma- Informed Therapist.

My husband, Forrest & I live in the beautiful, tranquil mountains of Westcliffe, CO with our 3 little loves: Sawyer (7), Hensley (5), and Archer (2) and our expanding farm family including chickens, ducks, dairy goats, dairy cow, dogs, and cats. I’m a homeschooling/ homesteading mama and have a huge passion for all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

My path to doula work began in 2016 after a traumatic birth experience with my son, Sawyer. I had a cesarean birth after failure to progress combined with a very rare nerve damage post delivery. I did not have a doula, nor did I know what a doula was, but through my healing process, as I began searching for the meaning from this experience, it was clear that I was being called into this sacred work to help nurture, educate, empower, and walk alongside mothers throughout their journey.

When my son Sawyer was 6 months old, I dove wholeheartedly into my birth and postpartum doula training and I have never looked back. Alongside my husband and incredible doula, I have since had two healing, empowering vaginal births, and have supported numerous families with all types of births in all types of settings.I have personally experienced miscarriage and have tenderly nourished and held space for mothers experiencing loss and navigating pregnancy after loss.

The unique nature of this beautiful work inspired my business name, Root and Flow Doula Services. There is such beauty in witnessing the power that comes from feeling truly rooted and connected to what grounds you and gives you strength, while also accepting, surrendering, and flowing with the process of birth. This work is truly such a gift that I will never take for granted.

My work as a doula is complimented by extensive experience and training as a yoga instructor as well as my background as a trauma- informed therapist. I began my yoga career in 2008 and completed my 200 hour certification in 2011 while living in Chicago, IL. Over the years, I have completed several supplemental trainings and love incorporating knowledge of the pelvic floor and biomechanics of the pelvis into prenatal yoga sessions, birth preparation and throughout the labor process. I also received my Master’s Degree in Social Work in 2011 and practiced as a trauma-informed therapist prior to starting my family and becoming a doula. In my work as a therapist, breath-work, mindfulness, yoga, and somatic therapy interventions were imperative in helping promote empowerment, connection, wellness, and healing for mind, body, and soul. One of my biggest passions is to help mothers feel empowered by slowing down, exploring potential fears surrounding birth and processing through those barriers to find a deeper connection to their innate power and strength.

I am continually inspired by my clients and absolutely love learning and growing in this profession. I am currently working towards my CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) and am committed to staying current with evidence- based practice information, additional trainings, and am continually seeking opportunities to expand resources and connection within our community. Thank you for the gift of walking alongside you.

Photo Credit: Lisa Waldo, Balanced Beginnings Doulas

Photo Credit: Tommy Christy Photo